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image2data: An R package to turn images in data sets

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Doi: 10.20982/tqmp.18.2.p186

Caron, Pier-Olivier , Dufresne, Alexandre
Keywords: data visualization , R package , data extraction
Tools: R
(no sample data)   (no appendix)

Data visualization is an essential and powerful tool to generate hypotheses, uncover patterns, and disseminate findings. It is crucial that introductory statistics courses train students to become critical authors and consumers of data visualization. Ludic data sets might help teaching statistics to students by making graphics more enjoyable, using images as instantaneous feedback, encouraging to discover hidden patterns, and reducing their focus on traditional hypothesis testing. Those data sets that have hidden images can be difficult to come by for teachers. These considerations have led to the development of a package that could easily create data sets from images for educational purposes. The purpose of this study is to present image2data, an R package that generates data sets from images. In this study, we show how to install the package, explain the basic arguments, and show three examples on how it can be used for teaching. Future studies could evaluate the effectiveness and motivation generated by using hidden images in data sets. Our hope is that by using hidden image in data sets, students will be inspired to decrypt data sets and discover the unexpected.

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