Simple and parallel mediation: A tutorial exploring anxiety sensitivity, sensation seeking, and gender
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Kane, Leanne
, Ashbaugh, Andrea R.
, gender differences
, anxiety sensitivity
, sensation seeking
Tools: SPSS, PROCESS macro
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In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to conduct simple and parallel mediation analyses using the PROCESS macro for SPSS (Hayes, 2013). We begin by describing the principles of mediation. We then present a step-by-step tutorial describing how to test statistical assumptions and conduct a simple and a parallel mediation using data from a project exploring whether anxiety sensitivity mediates the relationship between gender and sensation seeking in a sample of 295 undergraduate students. Results of these analyses showed that anxiety sensitivity, and more specifically the belief that bodily sensations are dangerous, explains part of the relationship between gender and sensation seeking. Finally, we interpret these results as if we are presenting the findings in a research article. The tutorial serves as a concrete and need-to-know introduction to simple and parallel mediation.