Using the Triarchic model of psychopathy to replicate ``Greed is good? Student disciplinary choice and self-reported psychopathy''
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Bourbonnais , Karina
, Durand, Guillaume
Psychopathy; University major; Triarchic model; Social desirability; Field of study
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The present study is a replication of Wilson and McCarthy (2011) [Greed is good? Student disciplinary choice and self-reported psychopathy. Personality and Individual Differences, 51(7), 873-876]. We replicated the previous findings, supporting higher levels of primary psychopathic traits, as measured by Meanness, in commerce students in comparison to students from other disciplines. Our results also indicate that law students display higher levels of boldness than students from any other field, and that science students display higher levels of disinhibition than students in arts or social sciences.