A Replication of ``Processing time shifts affects the execution of motor responses (Sell & Kaschak, 2011; Experiment 1)''
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Scheifele, Edith
, Eikmeier, Verena
, Alex-Ruf, Simone
, Maienborn, Claudia
, Ulrich, Rolf
, Language comprehension
, Motor system
, Time
, Space
, Mental timeline
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The present study is a replication of Sell & Kaschak's (2011) Experiment 1 (Movement Condition). The original stimulus material (short texts compromising three sentences) was translated from English into German. We successfully replicated the basic congruency effect of the original study, that is, the interaction effect between direction of manual response and time reference when participants perform a sensicality judgment. In contrast to the original study, this congruency effect was not significantly modulated by the magnitude of time shift. Nevertheless, when the congruency effect was evaluated separately for large and small time shifts, it was significant for large but not for small time shifts. In sum, this replication reinforces the basic conclusion by Sell and Kaschak that the timeline becomes automatically activated when processing temporal sentence information, especially when the time shift is large.