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Play vs. P-Values : Using distribution overlap as a tool to teach significant differences between groups

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Doi: 10.20982/tqmp.20.3.v039

Fournier, Bernard , Harding, Bradley
Keywords: Statistics education , p-value , distribution comparison , NHST
Tools: SPSS
(no sample data)   (no appendix)

Mean comparisons can be an abstract concept for students when they first encounter it in the classroom. Students must grasp not only the notions underlying the comparison but also the concepts surrounding inference. Students must also have a definite understanding of the relationship between sample and population. Traditionally, we have taught this concept using a variety of tools such as paint-by-number recipes or decision trees, and students typically put into practice their learnings by analysing datasets that are limited in size and novelty. Nevertheless, the actual concept may not be grasped if the analysis is only ever run as a routine. This statistical vignette aims to help students understand mean comparison and differences between groups by creating intuitions that are based in observing the overlap between group distributions. The activities presented within this vignette also intend to showcase the limitations of using p-value alone and to leverage effect size when addressing the importance of the difference between means. Using random number generators facilitate this process.

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