Relative selection as a function of two pre-weighted criteria: A study of two procedures
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Laurencelle, Louis
Relative selection
, pre-weighted criteria
, nominal weights
, additive scheme
, sequential scheme
(no sample data)
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In contrast with absolute selection, which retains any candidate reaching some pre-determined level of the selection variables, relative selection deals with a pool of candidates among which a given number of individuals must be recruited. Trivially done when only one criterion is to be used, implementation of relative selection becomes more involved when two or more criteria are applied, each criterion having its own a priori, predetermined weight and no outcomemeasure being available. For instance, with two criteria, how may information from both criteria be combined, and can the respective, a priori weights assigned to the criteria be enforced on the selection results? The problem is analysed, and tentatively solved, and two implementation schemes, – additive and sequential –are described, mathematically examined, and exemplified.