The EZ Diffusion Model: An overview with derivation, software, and an application to the Same-Different task
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T. Groulx, Julien
, Harding, Bradley
, Cousineau, Denis
Diffusion model; EZ; response times
Tools: SPSS, Mathematica
(no sample data)
The diffusion model is useful for analyzing data from decision making experiments as it gives information about a dataset that regular statistical tests cannot, including: the rate of processing, the encoding and motor response times, and decision thresholds. The EZ diffusion model is a restricted version of the diffusion model with some parameter variability set to zero, allowing for quicker analyses. Here we describe the EZ diffusion model --including how it was derived mathematically-- the measurement units of the parameters, and how it can be generalized to starting points other than the mid-point. We also show how its parameters can be estimated using computer software (the model is available with many software programs such as R and Excel, to which we add SPSS and a Mathematica code). Finally, an EZ analysis was run on one dataset obtained from a 'Same'-'Different' experiment.